(Updated 21/07/2023)
Crisis Support:
Do you need help, support or advice?
There are various services available to Isle of Wight residents should you need urgent mental health advice or treatment.
Mental Health Crisis Advice 01983 522214 Community Safe Haven01983 520168 Samaritans 116 123 NHS 111 Advice and Guidance 111 NHS Emergency 999
To access mental health support, for adults or children, speak to your GP practice if they are open. You can also contact:
Mental Health Crisis Advice (Single Point of Access): 01983 522214 available 24/7.
Community Safe Haven: 01983 520168 or visit 7 High Street, Newport
PO30 1SS during opening hours 5pm-10pm Monday-Friday and 10am-10pm Weekends and bank holidays.
The Urgent Care Service (UCS) at St. Mary’s Hospital treats urgent care needs. Anyone who thinks they need to be seen urgently should call NHS 111 first.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you need to speak to someone urgently. 111 will carry out an assessment over the telephone and direct you to the best place to get treatment.
Local directory Isle Find It currently holds a lot of information and signposting to local and national support organisations and groups.
Mental Health Support for Veterans:
Op COURAGE is an NHS mental health specialist service designed to help serving personnel due to leave the military, reservists, armed forces veterans and their families. For the local contact please click on the link below:
Home | NHS Veterans' Mental Health South East (opcouragesoutheast.nhs.uk)
Call 0300 365 2000 (option 4)
Other helpful sources of information for veterans:
Resources | NHS Veterans' Mental Health South East (opcouragesoutheast.nhs.uk)
Local Support Groups for veterans:
Veterans Outreach Support: Veterans Hub
Isle of Wight Drop-In | Veterans Outreach Support (VOS) (vosuk.org)
Other Helpful Sources:
Support available to ex-servicemen