Patient Transport
(Page updated on 21/07/2023)
The Patient Transport Service provides transport 7 days a week for service users in cases of medical need for outpatient appointments, admissions, discharge and transfer.
The Patient Transport Service is not provided for social means and is only made available to those who meet strict eligibility criteria based on Department of Health Guidance.
If the Patient Transport Service is required and identified by your GP for your first hospital clinic appointment your GP will authorise and book your transport. Further requests for transport must be identified and authorised by the Consultant or Allied Health Care Professional who is treating you.
Other transport options exist for non-entitled service users. These include: social transport, taxi, public transport, self help (own vehicle or driven by friends or family).
You can find out more about these in our Getting Here section.
Bookings for the Patient Transport Service are made by either the GP Practice or hospital staff. You can check your booking by calling 01983 822099 ext 3504.
Hospital Car Service
The Hospital Car Service is run by volunteer drivers, using their own cars, who can collect patients for appointments if they are not able to drive themselves or use public transport. Car service drivers have no medical training and carry no special equipment.
There is a charge for this service of between £6 and £14 dependent upon the distance across the island and this can increase if mainland travel is required. Payment is always made to the driver at the time of travel. To book a journey contact 01983 822099 Extension 5443 (Office hours only).
Optio Voluntary Car Service
Community Action Isle of Wight provides Optio Voluntary Car Service. This is a membership scheme for the elderly and frail. The service operates with volunteer drivers using their own vehicles to take passengers to pre-booked destinations. These are often for medical appointments, but can also be for other reasons. For more information click here
Good Neighbour Scheme
This volunteer driver service managed by Age UK Isle of Wight provides support for older people with no family or friends to turn to in times of need. It is for Island residents over 50 who cannot access public transport. The service is for medical, optical and dentistry appointments. For further information contact: 01983 525282 or click here
The Cross-Solent travel providers have a number of schemes for patients travelling for healthcare:
Should you meet the national eligibility criteria you may be able to claim a refund under the Healthcare Travel Costs Schemes (HTCS) (see below).
National schemes:
NHS Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS)
HTCS provides financial help with travel costs for patients with a low income who are referred for NHS treatment by their GP (or sometimes by their dentist). Visits to GP surgeries and dentists for routine care, as well as most A&E attendances, are not included.
The hospital where you are receiving treatment can advise you about making a travel costs claim (at most hospitals this will be the general office or cashier’s office), and they will be able to supply the correct forms. Information and advice can also be obtained from the NHS helpline on 0300 330 1343.
Help with Travel Costs for NHS Patients provides advice regarding eligibility and exclusions.
For further information please see NHS Choices – NHS in England: Healthcare Travel Cost Scheme.
NHS Choices
NHS Choices provides useful information about available support schemes should you meet eligibility.