(Page updated 06/04/2023)
Citizens Advice IW Money Advice Team
The Money Advice team can help you to take control of your finances and provide you with solutions for dealing with your priority and non-priority debts.
We offer a wide range of advice on a variety of different types of debts, and provide you with help and solutions on how to deal with your creditors and how to manage your finances going forward.
Upon submitting a completed Self Referral form, a member of the team will contact you to carry out an initial Debt Assessment either in person or over the phone.
Click here to view the Self Referral form and then print a copy to fill in. If you would like us to send you a copy, please phone the Money Advice Team on the number below.
Completed forms can be dropped off at the Isle Help Advice Centre, County Hall, Newport High Street, posted to the same address or they can be scanned and emailed to the email address below.
Contact the money advice team
For more information or to book an appointment, please call
01983 823898 ext: 2825
or via email on debtenquiries@iwcab.org.uk
Other Helpful Links:
gov.uk – options for paying off your debts
AGE UK Factsheet: Dealing with Debt