(Updated 03/04/2023)

If the company canceled your booking:

You’ll automatically have the right to a refund if your booking was for:

  • a flight leaving from the UK
  • a flight arriving in the UK with a UK or EU airline
  • a flight arriving in the EU with a UK airline

Check how to get a refund if your flight’s cancelled

You have the legal right to either:
  • a full refund - including other flights from the airline that you won’t use in the same booking such as onward or return flights
  • a replacement flight to get you to your destination

If you’re part-way through a journey and you don’t want a replacement flight, you also have a right to a flight back to the airport you originally departed from.

Ask for a refund or replacement at the airport if you can. If not, you can claim from the airline later.

You also have a legal right to:

  • help with costs - if the cancellation delays you 2 or more hours
  • compensation - if you’d be delayed 2 or more hours by the replacement flight offered and you were given less than 2 weeks' notice

Return Faulty Goods:

If something’s gone wrong with an item you’ve bought, you might be entitled to a refund, repair or replacement.

If you have a problem with a used car, you might have a legal right to a repair or your money back. You can find out what to do if you have:

It doesn't matter whether you bought the item new or secondhand - you'll still have rights.

You’ll have legal rights if the item you bought is:

  • broken or damaged ('not of satisfactory quality')
  • unusable (‘not fit for purpose’)
  • not what was advertised or doesn’t match the seller’s description

You won’t have any legal rights if either:

  • it was damaged by wear and tear, an accident or misuse
  • you knew about the fault before you bought the item

For more specific information visit the national Citizens Advice website.

Contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline (formerly known as Consumer Direct) if you need more help with a consumer problem.

Call the Helpline:

Citizens Advice consumer helpline: 0808 223 1133
Textphone: 18001 0808 223 1133

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Lines are closed on bank holidays.

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